Mimi Emmanuel

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Praying in the Power Zone


Praying in the Power Zone: Elevate Your Frequency, Quiet Your Mind, and Enhance Your Prayers with Pure Essential Oils

by Janine Logue Wooten


Prayer Plus Pure Essential Oils for a More Connected Prayer Experience

POWER ZONEWho is this book for?

Prayer Warriors and Essential Oil Enthusiasts alike will love “Praying in the Power Zone,” a unique resource that explores one powerful yet little known way to use pure essential oils: in combination with prayer for a more profound and connected prayer experience!

What will you find in the book?

Included are over 130 prayers, organized by topic for a quick search depending upon your need. For example; Gratitude, Forgiveness, Abundance, Joy, Motivation, Surrender, Transformation, Highest Purpose, Passionate Living, etc., as well as a bonus section for blessing your business.

In language that’s easy to understand, Janine briefly addresses the science behind essential oils, explains the importance of absolute purity, and teaches you what to look for when researching essential oils.

Both the seasoned “oiler” and the “newbie” will find this book educational and highly useful, with just enough of the basics and usage guidelines to make sure you have the knowledge you need to use your pure oils safely.

Reciting these prayers while using pure essential oils, you can expect to experience more of the following during your prayer time:

•A More Peaceful Attitude
•A Quieter Mind
•More Focused Attention
•Feeling More In Touch With Nature
•Feeling More Connected to God
•A Raise in Your Frequency
•An Enhanced Prayer Experience

We know that prayer is effective in itself, and we know that pure essential oils are effective. The combination of the two is synergistic and is indeed very powerful: energetically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Try it and experience “Praying in the Power Zone” for yourself!




It has been said that Janine Logue Wooten “packs more living into one lifetime than anyone.”

Like most creatives she was neither recognized or encouraged early on, and was in fact discouraged from trying anything unconventional. She married and started her family at the young age of 21. Janine always truly loved being a Mommy – and now she’s been promoted to Grammy! But the kids grew, as kids do, and eventually became independent adults, and she found herself feeling like something was missing, career wise.

She tried her hand at a few things: owning a jewelry business, making jewelry, tutoring Math, importing Turkish carpets, selling Real Estate, selling Diamonds, selling Roofing, and being a superintendent for a construction firm… Seriously. Sometimes overlapping. Clearly tons of energy, drive and motivation – but you might notice a bit of a lack of focus.

Janine loves to learn, with the list of subjects being just as broad and varied as the work history. Put it in front of her, and she will want to know everything there is to know about it, and then dive into it, and do it to the best of her ability.

(Perhaps certain personality types come to mind, such as ADD, ADHD, OCD, and she now knows, serious dyslexia! Although, back in the day, these things were not known. She just did her best, and tried to sit still and conform. Her mom to this day says Janine “can’t sit still”!)

She can now see how the labyrinth of her life has been perfectly leading her to this place all along! Everything along the way has been part of the grand picture, a small but crucial piece of the puzzle that makes up a magnificent and unique story! A beautiful tapestry of a life fully lived!

Her favorite things to do are painting, writing, teaching, helping others learn and grow, reading, traveling, walking on the beach, and “good food” outings with great friends!

She is finally in her “right place”, and loving the work she is doing. Her efforts are finally all tied together with a clear focus: helping people find and live their own best lives – through her art, her writing and teaching about clean living.

Janine’s earnest prayer is that many people will be blessed by her work. She gives God all the credit and all the Glory for designing such a perfect plan, and overseeing the job even when she was slacking or not understanding where He was taking her.

Blessings, Love and Light!


During launch you can download a copy of Praying in the Power Zone for free from Amazon.



ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.

ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.

MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a copy of THE HOLY GRAIL OF BOOK LAUNCHING click here.  For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here. To join my launch party click here.

NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of  Christian Authors WorldwideThis is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!

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My Angel in Heaven: A Mother’s Journey through Death and Grief to Comfort and Hope


My Angel in Heaven: A Mother’s Journey through Death and Grief to Comfort and Hope

written by Rebecca Vijay


The Book helps bring Comfort to those who have lost their loved ones

The book takes the reader from grief to comfort and peace to hope and joy
My Angel in Heaven is a short narration that travels very deep into one’s journey of faith REBECCAand how that faith helps in understanding and reconciling with the larger plan of the Almighty. The personal sharing resonates everybody’s ability to remain connected with even departed souls, through unwavering faith and solid hope.

The book takes the reader along on the author’s journey of losing her first-born twin son on the third day. Through the author’s personal experience, she attempts to help the reader find comfort and peace in God and to be joyful in the hope that we will see our loved ones in heaven soon.
The book showcases God’s goodness and love for us. It is grounded and anchored in faith and encourages those bereaved to reach out and express their feelings about their loss, grief, and loneliness.

Bring hope to those who are grieving

God wants to heal the ones who are hurting and He is our Comfort and our strength. The author shares her personal testimony to comfort and encourage others. The book is not only for parents but for anyone who has lost their loved ones.

Give a voice to those who are grieving

By sharing her personal experience, the author attempts to give a voice and a platform to those who have lost their loved ones but are not able to voice out their grief and sorrow.

Bring comfort to those who mourn

Through the various scripture references, the book attempts to minister healing to those who are experiencing infant loss or the loss of a loved one.

Discusses the Biblical stages of grief and handling loss

The book talks about the eight Biblical stages of hurting and of hope and growth, instead of focusing on the five stages of grief.



About The Author

Rebecca Vijay is an author, mommy blogger, freelance editor and designer. She has two young children – Cathy and Caleb – and an angel in heaven, Jacob.
She worked in various industries such as advertising, NGO, hotels, publishing for almost a decade and a half. She was heading a commissioning team in Oxford University Press when she quit to spend time with her children and to explore ways to make a difference.
She has written a 50k-words novel during NaNoWriMo 2016; an article for 100MomsOneJourney, an inspirational book that has been written by over 100 moms from around the world; is writing more books; blogs and freelances.

Purchase Rebecca’s book
You can purchase Rebecca’s book for a limited time at a discounted price at Amazon.


ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.

ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.

MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a copy of THE HOLY GRAIL OF BOOK LAUNCHING click here.  For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here. To join my launch party click here.

NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of  Christian Authors WorldwideThis is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!



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Hey Mum, I love you. Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s day

I keep thinking, “I’ll phone Mum and tell her,’ and then I don’t.


It is always the same around this time of the year, my Mum keeps popping into my head. My Mum who wrote notes for school so that I could take days off whenever I wanted to. I had a whole stack of these, written in advance. These notes got me into trouble and not for what you may think.

My bestie at primary, her name was Leony. Well, Leony’s Mum didn’t write absentee notices in advance. She never wrote these at all. So when Leony fancied a day off from school I said, “no worries, I know how we can arrange that.” It took me no time at all to copy my Mum’s note, replace my name with my friend’s name and hand this notice to my friend who handed it to the principal. I felt proud of my handiwork. I even forged my Mum’s handwriting so that the principal would read ‘adult’ and not ‘children’s’ writing.

The next day I was called to the principal’s office. How on earth did he know that it was me who wrote the note for my friend Leony? He unsuccessfully tried to hide his grin. He thought it was funny. I didn’t think it so funny, having to write down THREE HUNDRED TIMES that I was not to write absentee notes for my friends!

Thank you Mum!

Thank you Mum for recognising that children also need time out every now and then.


My Mum baked the best cakes, gave the best hugs, loved the most perfect.

Why do I keep thinking that I need to phone Mum?

Mother’s day has always been in May, as was my Mum’s birthday. Yes, her eightieth birthday was May 22. Mum had her eighty first, her very last birthday in hospital. I didn’t visit her. Was her funeral in May also? I cannot remember. I did not go. I wanted to go but was not able to. I was recovering from an inoperable ruptured appendix. Travel was out of the question.

For decades and decades I would phone my Mum daily and visit her on her birthday and Mother’s day and sent her cards and presents. And then, one day, it stopped. I cannot remember the exact day. It’s a bit hazy and I like to keep it that way.  Because every now and then I want to phone my Mum and say,


Mum, I love you.

“Hey Mum, do you know that I love you. You’re best Mum in the whole wide world. No one makes cakes like you do, nor macaroni nor tomato soup. Your salads are out of this world and your pancakes deserve awards. I love you Mum for your care and your never ending love and your kindness and for always being there for me. I thank you for all the Jesus’ stories and parables. Whipped cream is still my favourite Mum. Thank you for bringing me up to appreciate the good things in life.

Hey Mum, are you there? Mum? Mum?”

The thought stops before it completes itself. Yes, Mum is there. She’s in my heart. She’ll live on forever in my thoughts and life. She lives on in me and my children. In my world my Mum lives forever.

I love you Mum. Thank you Mum. Happy Mother’s day, Mum.


ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.

ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.

MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a copy of THE HOLY GRAIL OF BOOK LAUNCHING click here.  For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here. To join my launch party click here.

NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of  Christian Authors WorldwideThis is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!