Mimi Emmanuel

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How to Live Your Best Life Possible?

Also read, “Mimi’s Eulogy-to-be Legacy…”

How To Live Your Best Life Possible?


To be honest I never gave this too much thought. Too busy raising kids, managing clinics, and pleasing hubby. If I found a spare moment I used to fall asleep on the spot. I never thought about a good life or a better life, I was just living my life as it was.
Till it all fell into a big heap. And I thought that this was the END.

When I worked in our clinics I used to say that I would need, “A long time to recover from this,” It’s been nearly two decades of recovery. Mind your words;


Because these words may come back to haunt you.


Sure I felt this way. But I also could have said something to the effect of, “It’s nice to know that all this hard work is paying off and I’m looking forward to many holidays and relaxation in the future.”

Alas, I didn’t and have been convalescing for a long time now. I’m grateful for the opportunity this has given me to share some of my story and graphics.
So here goes.

How to live your best life possible?

Think about how you would like to be remembered and then set out to create this.

After my life fell into a big heap I had to start from scratch.

There was a lovely lesson in this.
You know how people feel lost and they set out about finding themselves? Why bother? Waste of time. How about creating a new you? Now that’s much more fun!


With the help of My Friends Above I’ve been rebuild pretty much. The Same vintage but completely remodeled. I like it.
In the process, I discovered that our story creates a legacy and that goes for all of us. Young and old, small and tall, we all have a story to tell.


Your story creates a legacy. What would you like it to be?

How to make your story the best it can be?

There’s a good reason why we would like our story to be the best it can be. All of us will live forever.


Regardless if we believe in an afterlife or not, we’ll live forever in the hearts of those who knew us.


Following are three simple steps to help you make your story the best it can be.

Step One is to create your own eulogy which will help you become aware of how you would like to be remembered at the end of your life.

Step Two is to remember what you were good at when you were at pre-school and what you enjoyed doing.

Step Three is to take the very first step towards reaching your goal.
I can help with that by providing you with Power Word Cards which you can download and use as screensavers. This link will take you to Popcorn for the Soul Power Word Cards with words and expressions to keep you on track.


Write your own eulogy. Here’s a free template to get you going. Write your eulogy to-be and keep tinkering with it till you get happy. Then start living up to it.


How do you live up to your eulogy to-be? First, you write down how you would like to be remembered and then you figure out how to go about this. Lots of people tell me that they don’t know what it is that they are supposed to be doing with their life. It is easy to figure out if you follow the Three Steps as outlined here.


Remember when you were at pre-school? What did you like and what were you good at?


This is obviously different for all of us. I LOVED writing and decorating my writing even before I started kindy.  Now I’m an author.
One of my daughters LOVED spending time with animals and now she works with horses and coaches disabled people how to ride.
My other daughter from a very young age LOVED music and volunteered for many years at a local radio station presenting her own breakfast show.

Most of us showed some aptitude at a very young age for a particular ‘something.’ What was this for you before the world got hold of you and you forgot?
Remember that ease and that joy? Own it and re-create it!

Step Three

What is your unique task in this life?


I have three clues for you.

Clue One

Your unique task is likely to be right in front of you

Clue Two

It is likely something that challenges you.

Clue Three

It is probably something that only you can do.

In my case, I am the only mother of my children and the only Godmother to my Godson. I have unique insights and abilities that only I can bring to the table. I was uniquely placed in this position as the only person in the whole wide world.
Is this challenging me? Hell yeah! I give it my best shot… most of the time.


Below I’ll give you a couple of examples of people I admire for performing the task they were given to perfection.

The doorman at David Jones.

Many years ago there was a doorman at the department store David Jones. I recall times that this frazzled mum would juggle kids and parcels, and this wonderful doorman would open the door wide for me and my children with a genuine smile and a few nice words.

It is now decades later and I remember this man with much fondness. He made my life a little easier at the time. His smile and kind words were genuine. How is this even possible? To open the door, like thousands of times a day and then greet and make each and every person that came through this door, feel welcomed and special.

This is the task that was uniquely given to this doorman and he did his job so well that I remember him decades later. Thank you, Doorman, from David Jones, I remember you.


Michael Hoskin and Turia Pitt

If you don’t live in Australia you may not have heard of Michael Hoskin and Turia Pitt. They are two of our heroes.

Turia got severely burned during a bushfire at an ultra marathon in 2011.  She never gave up. Nor did her boyfriend Michael. He had been uniquely placed in a position as her boyfriend and rose to the task he had been given as her boyfriend and helper. Neither one of them bailed. It would be nice to think that this is normal but we all know that this is not the case. Many people bail when the going gets tough. It was extraordinarily tough for these two young people and both of them rose to the task. As she has struggled to regain her health and return to a normal life, Michael has supported her through thick and thin.
I take my hat off to you both.


Where in your life were you given a task uniquely designed for you? Are you giving it your best shot?

One step at a time

I’ve just given you three easy-peasy steps to follow for living the best life possible for anyone, anywhere, anytime.

These steps work for bank managers, teachers, mums and dads, school-aged kids, mature students, sports people, entrepreneurs, health professionals and their patients, counselors, and coaches. Yes, they even work for retirees.
My health scares happened to me later in life and I still managed to turn things around for the better by going through these three steps.

How to go about turning your life around? One step at a time.


Next post I’ll share some Power Word Cards with you that you can use as screensavers to keep you going in the right direction.

Today take the first step towards your goal

Promise me one thing, and that is that today you’ll take the first step towards your goal.


Here’s an appetizer with POPCORN FOR THE SOUL ABC’s.

Also read, “Mimi’s Eulogy-to-be Legacy…”


ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.

ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.

MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a copy of THE HOLY GRAIL OF BOOK LAUNCHING click here.  For a copy of LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE click here.  For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here. To join my launch party click here.

NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of  Christian Authors WorldwideThis is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!

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‘LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE’ by writing your own eulogy.

Also read, ‘How To Live Your Best Life Possible.’ 

‘LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE’ by writing your own eulogy.

by Mimi Emmanuel

When you get a kick up the bum from your Guardian Angel...

This is an easy quick one-hour-read which is likely to change your life for the better even if you only read the book.

‘LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE’ by writing your own eulogy.

Includes sample eulogy to-be, templates and reverse-engineer how to’s.

By the word of The Lord were the Heavens made

By The Breath of His Mouth

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made;
and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

So God created man
in his own image,

in the image of God
created he him;

male and female created he them.

God created the heavens and the earth by the breath of His mouth and we were made in His image.

What are you speaking out over your life today?

You can download POPCORN FOR THE SOUL ONE from here.

thoughts become words

All of us live forever

Mimi believes in living forever, but even if you don’t believe in an afterlife, you will still leave an imprint and live forever in the hearts of your loved ones.

Religion does not have to come into it. As Tony Judt puts it so eloquently, we’re all responsible for the impact we have on the people around us.

The following is quoted from Tony Judt, historian, (02/91/1948-06/08/2010).

Just months before the historian Tony Judt died of ALS in 2010, he gave an interview to Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air. When she asked him about his spiritual beliefs, he replied as follows.

I don’t believe in an afterlife. I don’t believe in a single or multiple godhead. I respect people who do, but I don’t believe it myself. But there’s a big “but” which enters in here: I am much more conscious than I ever was, for obvious reasons, of what it will mean to people left behind once I’m dead.

It won’t mean anything for me, but it will mean a lot to them, and it’s important for them, by which I mean my children or my wife or my close friends, that some spirit of me is, in a positive way, present in their lives, in their heads, in their imaginings, and so on.

In one curious way I’ve come to believe in the afterlife as a place where I still have moral responsibilities, just as I do in this life, except that I can only exercise them before I get there. Once I get there, it’ll be too late.

So no god, no organized religion, but a developing sense that there’s something bigger than the world we live in, including after we die, and that we have responsibilities in that world.

Few, if any, of our Facebook or Twitter friends will be at our death bed, or care either way.

How will we be remembered by our close friends and family members? How did we or do we impact their lives on a daily basis?

THOSE WE LOVE NEVER GO AWAYWhat unique task were we given and how did we live up to this?

I highly recommend downloading the template included in the book and following the instructions for guaranteed results.


Why on earth would anyone ever want to write their own eulogy-to-be? 

Well, sometimes life just sucks, and then consequently your eulogy would suck too. COVER EULOGY TO BE 5x8-Book cover 3D thick MASTER 200917Double whammy.

The word eulogy-to-be is a concession we had to make because certain family members became quite traumatised when the subject of writing a eulogy popped up.

If a eulogy is a celebration of life then a eulogy-to-be is a write-up for the purpose of getting perspective on life so that we can adjust course if necessary, and celebrate life every single day, and not miss out on our own final party.

Mimi’s Guardian Angel did a fine job writing her eulogy-to-be and keep her on track. As in, “Hey there, is this how you would like to be remembered?”

Live Your Best Life By Writing Your Own Eulogy is a sample of how to write your own eulogy and includes a template with directions for anyone at any stage in their life to create a life filled with joy.

Is it possible to design a path to Joy and heal your Life?

How do we get the life we want? Sometimes we need a wake-up call to understand that “Our life does not just ‘happen,’ but whether we know it or not, it is carefully designed by us as quoted from Dr Covey’s bestseller.

Your Story creates a legacy; make it the best it can be!

Yes, you can continue drifting through life and allow things to ‘happen to you.’ Or you can grab hold of it and ‘make it behave!’

There is something miraculous about sharing your dreams and aspirations with the universe; Angels listen in…

Download Live Your Best Life  to find out what happened after she experienced a medical emergency and wrote her eulogy-to-be.


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on September 5, 2017
I found sweetness, beauty, hope, joy and love on every page of this short and happy book.
I paused, reflected and thought about my life as I live it on a daily basis and get to ask myself what my eulogy would be.
This is one of those special books that anyone should have.

Delightful, Captivating, Inspiring

on September 6, 2017
A delightful read that is light yet profound. It’s easy to read and surprisingly fun especially when considering the topic. So well done! I could feel the lift in Mimi’s step as she lived her life on purpose. I’ve definitely been inspired by this book and the novel idea of writing my own eulogy to be!

An inspiring read with a practical application

on September 4, 2017
If you’ve wondered what you’re meant to be doing with your life, take stock and read this! What a great idea for getting your life back on track …. how to reverse engineer your life. Love it!

This delightful read is the perfect prescription for ‘getting it right – now.’

on September 5, 2017
Thank God above for fresh lingerie and ‘Bonus Moments!’ This delightful read is the perfect prescription for ‘getting it right – now.’ Don’t wait until later to figure out what your very best life, joy and happiness are meant to be. Mimi offers a fantastic template to help you think about what really matters, here and now. My only regret is the author lives on the other side of the world and isn’t available to jaunt around with. Because if she was I’d be at her house every day soaking up her enthusiasm. I look forward to more from Ms. Emmanuel.


Mimi writes on health, faith and book publishing. All her books combined have become #1 bestsellers in more than 43 categories. Visit www.amazon.com/author/mimiemmanuel to find her other books.

She lives with her family in a tree house on volcanic rock overlooking the bay in Australia’s sunshine state, Queensland. She shares lunch with her friends the butcher birds and Layla Joy and Lilac Delite her puppies.

Mimi writes from her recliner with ear mufflers on, and a cup of chamomile tea beside her. For exercise, she wiggles her toes. You can find her free tutorials and say hello to her at http://www.mimiemmanuel.com


Live Your Best Life by Writing Your Own Eulogy will be FREE during launch on September 6 and 7, 2017 and you can download it here from Amazon.


Also read, ‘How To Live Your Best Life Possible.’


ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.

ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.

MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a copy of THE HOLY GRAIL OF BOOK LAUNCHING click here.  For a copy of LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE By Writing Your Own Eulogy click here.  For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here. To join my launch party click here.

NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of  Christian Authors WorldwideThis is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!